Unless you're a cloistered monk, you're at risk for a sexually transmitted disease. So learn the facts and protect yourself
Not exactly. Most people are under the impression that only societal "outcasts" get STDs, says Jill Grimes, M.D. and author of Seductive Delusions: How Everyday People Catch STDs. "Let me tell you, that is not the population I treat with STDs. My patients are doctors, lawyers, accountants, teachers, models, students, and athletes."
You may think you know everything you need to know about STDs: Syphilis was a threat, like, 200 years ago, HPV is a woman thing, and HIV is really scary—but would never happen to you. Plus, you wear condoms like a good, responsible guy, so you have nothing to worry about, right?
Not exactly. Most people are under the impression that only societal "outcasts" get STDs, says Jill Grimes, M.D. and author of Seductive Delusions: How Everyday People Catch STDs. "Let me tell you, that is not the population I treat with STDs. My patients are doctors, lawyers, accountants, teachers, models, students, and athletes."
Here's another fact: Condoms don't fully protect you against STDs that are spread from skin-to-skin contact, says Grimes. That makes you susceptible to herpes, syphilis, HPV, and pubic lice—not to mention the 11% annual fail rate of condoms.
So what can you do?
First, get tested. Make an appointment with your regular physician or contact a Planned Parenthood to get screened for cheap. While getting your penis swabbed or being jabbed with a needle might be uncomfortable, it sure beats a bad case of the clap—or an angry partner whom you unknowingly infected.
Second, refresh your facts to protect yourself: We dug up data on the most prevalent STDs and how to prevent them—without swearing off sex.
First, get tested. Make an appointment with your regular physician or contact a Planned Parenthood to get screened for cheap. While getting your penis swabbed or being jabbed with a needle might be uncomfortable, it sure beats a bad case of the clap—or an angry partner whom you unknowingly infected.
Second, refresh your facts to protect yourself: We dug up data on the most prevalent STDs and how to prevent them—without swearing off sex.
Symptoms: Within two weeks of exposure, a small bump appears that grows into a painful gray or yellow-gray ulcer. Men tend to only have a single ulcer on the penis or scrotum.
How it spreads: Through sexual contact with an infected partner, usually at the site of an open sore or cut. Most people in the U.S. diagnosed with chancroid have traveled to developing countries where the disease is more common.
Prevention: Mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner; using a condom can help decrease your risk but wont prevent it.
Treatment: Antibiotocs
Just so you know: Uncircumcised men are at much higher risk than circumcised men for infection.
Symptoms: May be asymptomatic; a burning sensation when urinating; abnormal discharge from penis or vagina; untreated cases can lead to complications that can cause pain, fever, pelvic inflammatory disease and (more rarely and mostly in women) sterility.
How it spreads: Oral, anal, and vaginal sex through bodily secretions; mother to child.
Prevention: Mutually monogamous relationships with uninfected partner use a condom; screen annually if you have new or multiple partners.
Treatment: Antibiotocs
Just so you know: This is the fastest spreading infection disease in the United States. Many infected people don't know they have it. Women should be screened annually during pelvic exams.
Symptoms: Usually develops within 10 days. Often there are no symptoms early on; discharge from the penis and vagina; frequent urination and discomfort during urination; may lead epididymitis in men, which can cause fertility.
How it spreads: Transmitted through semen and vaginal secretions during intercourse. Gonorrhea is actually easily cured. Like Chlamydia, it's caused by a bacteria, so a simple course of antibiotics will zap the clap right out of your system. According to the CDC, it's the second most reported infectious disease with nearly 356,000 infections in 2007, but it's estimated that about twice as many new cases actually occur but are undiagnosed and unreported.
Prevention: Use a condom; mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner; testing if you have new or multiple partners.
Treatment: Antibiotocs
Just so you know: Gonorrhea has shown resistance to certain drugs, so treatments are limited to one type of antibiotic, the CDC reports. Women should be screened annually during pelvic exams.
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